Tuesday, March 13, 2018

House Tour Funds bring author to the district

Dr. Burton, Superintendent of Millburn Public Schools sent the following message below in her most recent letter to the school district.  The grant mentioned below paid to bring the speaker to our community, and a portion of it comprised of funds raised from the Short Hills House Tour that took place last May.

"I do want to remind you about next week’s speaker, Dr. Robert Brooks.  He will be presenting to parents on Wednesday night about the topic of resilience.  How do we learn, and teach our children, to bounce back in difficult times?  How can we help them become self-reliant, a skill needed for success in life?  You don’t want to miss this presentation – I have seen him speak at a conference and he is a highly engaging speaker.  He will share strategies that he has developed that you'll want to try out for yourself and with your family.  I want to thank Jennifer Sowa, our Director of Special Services, for using grant funds to invite him to Millburn.  He will be working with our staff on Wednesday afternoon, to give them professional development and instructional tools to support your children." 

To see the speaker, Dr. Robert Brooks, author of "Raising Resilient Children" please join us at MHS Auditorium at 7pm on March 14, 2018.

Robert Brooks, Ph.D. Child Psychologist and renowned author of 16 books Dr.Brooks has lectured nationally and internationally to parents on topics pertaining to motivation, resilience, and family relationships. He is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and has served as the Director of the Department of Psychology at McLean Hospital in Boston.

Thank you so much for supporting the house tour to help provide these type of programs.

The next tour will be in May 5, 2018. To get tickets and learn more, please go to: